About Us
Formosa Cake has been servicing the Orlando Metro area since 2004. Our cakes are made of finest ingredients and we use health conscious recipes that are low calorie and low sugar for consumption. We have a variety of Decorated Cakes, Wedding Cakes, Birthday Cakes and Custom Made cakes. All made fresh daily! We also have a wide range of selections of breads that would satisfy different taste buds.
Due to enormous requests, we have expanded our business by taking Online & phone orders to meet our customers' needs. Customers can browse our Cakes on official website and can be picked up at our store or locations.
Orlando store:
5082 W. Colonial Dr. Orlando FL 32808
Pinellas Park store:
7580 49th St. N. Pinellas Park FL 33781
Tampa store:
* Coming soon *
親愛的顧客, 我們是Formosa Cake, 中佛州開業20餘年的台灣烘焙蛋糕店, 創始店面位於Orlando華埠內. 為更加服務廣大消費者的需求, 現提供網路商店, 電話預訂及電子郵件訂購蛋糕服務. 消費者可以在我們官方網站看到產品介紹及價格, 完成訂購並可同時選擇於本店各門市或外部取貨點取貨, 謝謝.
Orlando Store:
5082 W. Colonial Dr. Orlando FL 32808
Pinellas Park Store:
7580 49th St. N. Pinellas Park FL 33781
Tampa Store:
* Coming soon *

"Let them eat cake"
- Marie Antoinette